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Book Review

세계를 바꾼 17가지 방정식 / In pursuit of the unknown: 17 equations that changed the world

by CoachDaddy 2019. 8. 5.

세계를 바꾼 17가지 방정식 - 위대한 방정식에 담긴 영감과 통찰

In pursuit of the unknown: 17 equations that changed the world  by Ian Stewart

8/30/2018 ~ 9/17/2018


수학사 혹은 과학사에서 의미 있게 사용된 다양한 수학적 지식들을 설명해주는 책이다. 내용의 상당 부분이 고등 수학 내용을 포함하고 있어서, 읽기에 어려운 부분도 있다. 어떤 부분들은 학교에서 배우면서 잘몰랐던 이론적인 배경이나 다른 영역과의 연관서을 알 수 있어서 도움이 되는 부분도 있다. 같은 저자가 쓴 수학과 관련된 많은 다른 책들이 있는데, 기회가 닿는다면 더 읽어 보고 싶다. 쉽게 읽히지는 않는 책들이 될 것이다.


  1. The squaw on the hippopotamus - Pythagoras's Theorem

  2. Shortening the proceedings - Logarithms 

  3. Ghosts of departed quantities - Calculus 

  4. The system of the world - Newton's Law of Gravity

  5. Potent of the ideal world - The Square Root of Minus One

  6. Much ado about knotting - Euler's Formula for Polyhedra

  7. Patterns of chance - Normal Distribution

  8. Good vibrations - Wave equation

  9. Ripples and blips - Fourier Transform

  10. The ascent of humanity - Navier-Stokes Equation

  11. Waves in the ether - Maxwell's equations 

  12. Law and disorder - Second Law of Thermodynamics

  13. One thing is absolute - Relativity

  14. Quantum weirdness - Schrodinger's Equation

  15. Codes, communications, and computer - Information Theory

  16. The imbalance of nature - Chaos Theory

  17. The midas formula - Black-Scholes Equations

pp. 126 Part of the answer could be that the results of IQ tests are reduced to a single numerical score. This squashes a multidimensional set of questions and potential attitudes down to a one-dimensional answer. Moreover, the test has been selected so that the score correlates strongly with the designer's view of intelligent answers - if not, no one would consider using it.


pp. 224 On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies

