Stick with It Sean Young 7/30/2018 ~ 9/22/2018
심리학과 뇌과학으로 사람의 습관과 행동변화가 어려운 이유를 설명하고, 도움이 될만한 방법들을 설명한다. 여러가지가 있지만, 바꾸려고 생각하는 습관이나 행동을 ABC 로 구분하는 것이 새로웠다. 모든 행동들이 같은 변화동인을 따르는 것이 아니고, 행동들 각각이 가지고 있는 인지상태나 결과에 대한 평가에 따라서 달라진다. 따라서, 어떤 행동변화를 원한다면 그 행동이 어떤 범주에 들어가는지 먼저 생각해야 한다. 각 범주에 따라서 기본적인 적용방법이 생각할 수 있고, 행동별로 조금씩 변화와 맞춤 과정을 거쳐야, 실제적인 효과를 얻을 수 있다는 점이다. 중간중간 나오는 평가를 위한 참고 양식들도 좋았다. 단순히, 의지만으로 어떤 행동을 바꾸는게 어렵다는 사실을 인정해야만 실제로 행동의 변화시키기 위해서 필요한 적절한 노력을 실천할 수 있다는 사실을 다시 생각해본다.
pp. 4 That's what this book delivers: the seven forces behind lasting change, and how to use my framework - called SCIENCE, which stands for Stepladders, Community, Important, Easy, Neurohacks, Captivating, Engrained - to adapt them to meet your particular needs.
pp. 10
It teaches you how to use the seven SCIENCE forces behind lasting change to alter the three types of behaviors - Automatic, Burning, and Common (or what I call the A, B, and C's of behavior). Bring these pieces together, the book offers a simple two-step model for creating lasting change: First, identify whether the behavior you're trying to change is an A, B, or C behavior. Second, use the forces needs to change that type of behavior. The end result is a road map for change that's tailored to the problem behaviors you want to change.
pp. 15
Automatic |
Burning |
Common |
Stepladders |
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Community |
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Important |
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Easy |
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Neurohacks |
* |
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Captivating Rewards |
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Engrained |
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pp. 22 The lesson is to focus on finding the right first step. Pull all of your energy into achieving that first little step. Take the time to reflect on your progress. And then repeat.
pp. 24 .. dreams like these have their place for motivating people to take action. But focusing entirely on achieving big, long-term dreams can actually have the reverse effect - people can become discouraged and quit because the dreams are too big and too far in the future.
pp. 28 Dreams are bigger than goals. They are plans that typically take more than three months to achieve and which you haven't ever achieved previously. People need to be reminded of their dreams to keep them motivated, but focusing entirely on dreams can lead people to give up. Instead, people should focus most of their energy trying to complete steps and goals.
pp. 30 Stepladders is the theory that brings together dreams, goals, and steps. Stepladders teaches that dreams are important for motivation but focusing entirely on dreams can lead people to plan steps that are so big that they quit doing things easily. Instead, goals are key. You need to focus on completing small, concrete goals to calibrate the mind and apply stepladders correctly. That will make change more likely to last.
It's important to understand that stepladders isn't a formula for accomplishing dreams. It's a formula for keeping you on a path. People who use stepladders are less likely to quit and more likely to keep trying to reach their goals - which should in turn help them reach their dreams.
pp. 55 ... for the community to continue to have a lasting impact on people, there needs to be enough people in the community who are nurturing it to create a social magnet.
pp. 104 You need to figure out how to make something important enough to you that you're willing to change for it. ... Once you find what is truly important, you can use the other forces in this book to leverage the force of importance and you will be able to stick with your goal.
pp. 109 People want things to be easy for them to do. They enjoy things that are easy for them to do. And they'll keep doing things that are easy to do.
pp. 110 When barriers are in front of people, they quickly stop doing something. The flip side of that is, if you learn how to remove barriers, you'll easily be able to keep doing things.
pp. 115 When you give people a smaller number of choices, it becomes easier for them to make a decision to do something, and to keep doing it. Although people think they want to have a lot of choices, too many choices actually makes it tough for people to do things.
pp. 131 ... lasting behavior change doesn't typically start with the mind telling the body to make lasting change; it starts by making a small change in behavior and letting the mind reflect on that change.
pp. 145 If they can change their thoughts, then they can change their behavior.
pp. 169 People don't need rewards for things they already find rewarding. If you start giving them rewards for these activities, they may start to think the activity isn't as fun as they had thought, because people need to be rewarded for doing it.
pp. 191 This is exactly how the brain works. It constantly seeks out ways to make task easy to do. It turns repeated behaviors into habits that require little thought. Once habits have been built, the brain achieves homeostasis - a stable sort of equilibrium - and is able to relax. That habit then becomes a go-to default behavior.
pp.238 Behavior change is difficult. Don't expect that it will happen automatically just because you read this book. But it is doable.
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