Gittins index
In general we can't realistically expect someday to never have any more regrets. But if we're following a regret minimizing algorithm, every year we can expect to have fewer new regrets than we did the year before.
Upper Confidence Bound
When we talk about decision making, we usually focus just on the immediate payoff of a single decision - and if you treat every decision as if it were your last, then indeed only exploitation makes sense. But over a lifetime, you're going to make a lot of decisions. And it's actually rational to emphasize exploration. - the new rather than the best, the exciting rather than the safe, the random rather than the considered for many of those choices, particularly earlier in life.
Comparison Counting Sort
'Getting Things Done' advocates a policy of immediately doing any task of two minutes or less as soon as it comes to mind. Rival bestseller 'Eat That Frog' advises beginning with the most difficult task and moving forward easier and easier things. 'The Now Habit' suggests first one's social engagements and leisure time and then filling the gas with work - rather than the other way around as we so often do. William James, the 'father of American psychology' asserts that "there's nothing so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task," but Frank Parnoy in wait makes the case for deliberately not doing things right away.
pp. 147
... the children who had learned that the experimenter was unreliable were more likely to eat the marshmallow before she come back, losing the opportunity to earn a second threat.
University of Rochester, prior experience affect marshmallow test
Q.E.D - Quod Erat Demonstrandum
.. It being proved necessary...
- V.F. Ridgwory
The upshot of Early Stopping is that sometimes it's not a matter of choosing between being rational and going with our first instinct. Going with our first instinct can be rational solution.
The more complex, unstable, and uncertain the decision, the more rational an approach that is.
John Rawls.
liberty and equality is a society more "just" when it's more free, or more equal? And do the two really have to be mutually exclusive?
Rawls offered a way of approaching this set of questions that he called the "veil of ignorance."
There is no such thing as absolute certain, but there is assurance sufficient for the purpose of human life - John Stuawt Mill
Since the maximum delay length (2, 4, 8, 16 ... ) forms an exponential progression, it's become known as Exponential Backoff.
The satirical "Peter Principle," articulated in the 1960s by education professor Laurence J. Peter, states that "every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence." The idea is that in a hierarchical organization, anyone doing a job proficiently will be rewarded with a promotion into a new job that may involve more complex and/or different challenges. When the employee finally reaches a role in which they don't perform well, their march up the ranks will stall, and they will remain in the role for the rest of their career. Thus it stands to reason, goes the ominous logic of the Peter Principle, that eventually every spot in an organization will come to be someone doing that job badly.
Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset in 1910 voiced the same sentiment. "Every public servant should be demoted to the immediately lower rank, " he wrote, "because they were advanced until they became incompetent."
- The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong :
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than right now. - The Zen of Python
- Vickrey auction
That is every participant simply writes down a single number in secret, and the highest bidder wins. However, in a Vickrey auction, the winner ends up paying not the amount of their own bid, but that of the second-place bidder.
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